My journey began with an unfulfilling marriage and the longing of my soul.

I tried to convince myself that turning away from this longing was a necessary sacrifice for the greater good of my marriage.

But I felt a part of me was dying.

It took leaving my marriage to discover that I had completely abandoned my Yin essence — and that my sexual soul was dying.

I chose to follow my longing.

It led me into a study of sacred Daoist sexuality, qigong, the somatic healing, and the art of receiving and giving through skills of consent.

It led me to create The Power of the Yin and to support women (and men and people of all gender expressions) to embody their sexual souls as a source of pleasure, creativity and empowerment.


Learn about The Power of the Yin and my work empowering women to embody their sexual soul.

The Conscious Woman Rising podcast, hosted by Dipika Delmenico, features conversations with extraordinary individuals exploring conscious healing and courageous authentic embodiment for fully living in love.


This short film is an intimate look at my personal practice and a conversation about my relationship and constantly evolving understanding of the Power of the Yin, sexuality and our connection with the natural world.

This film is part of Genevieve Russell’s Women + Wholeness documentary series, which features extraordinary women who represent and exemplify wholeness, both personally and professionally.

This conversation with Anna Glowaka was in preparation for my Hello, Sexual Soul series of online sessions and in-person workshop in London at Moon: Three Age Women’s Health in the fall of 2023.

In this video I discuss what I mean by “Sexual Soul”, what to expect in my group sessions and workshops, my “Power of the Yin” approach to working, the transformation that is possible when you notice and open to your fear, and how to know if this work is for you.

The Power of the Yin Oracle Deck.

I’m the creator of an original 58-card oracle deck that connects you with the wisdom of the Yin.

Created in collaboration with artist D. Yael Bernhard, this deck was created as a beautiful and supportive tool of self-exploration for my clients.

Learn more and purchase at

Follow on Instagram.

Influences, Training & Teachers.

The Wheel of Consent created by Dr. Betty Martin

Sarah McCrum Money, Manifestation, Energy & Inner Technologies

MogaDao Institute, 2012-2014, qigong, sacred Daoist sexuality

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Santa Fe School of Massage

Working with Babies, John Chitty, Colorado School of Energy Studies

Polarity Therapy, Anna Chitty & Elizabeth Chitty-Sandoval, Colorado School of Energy Studies

The Journey Inward (Feldenkrais), Diana Razumny

Integral Anatomy Laboratory Intensive, Gil Hedley

Two Moon Tango, Liz Haight

Love+Leche, 2005-2020, I created, ran and sold my business

I am also a dancer, the mother of two grown children, and the only child of two artists. 

I grew up in the Appalachian Mountains of upper East Tennessee. After living for 27 years in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I now work with clients all over the world in person and virtually.

What Clients Are Saying

I’m here to support you.

I offer my services in person and online to clients worldwide.
The first step is to schedule a free 30-minute Soul Listening Session with me. Just take a minute to fill out this form: